sisi 20th birthday

15/07/09 Sisi 20th birthday!

So we had a surprise plan for her.

But not going to elaborate further.let pics talk


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Secondly; The Kiap Kiap machine

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Thirdly; the MIND CAFE

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Fourthly; Chocolate cake.

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Fifthly, and there the bday gal! Are you surprised at that point of time?


Played animal sound game, jenga, and werewolves. animal sound game was

Grobbit,grobbit, quakquakk, siiisiiiii, mehhh, meoww, squekksquekk, cockokae,


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After the whole thing, we went to play the machine at PS.

And gotcha ELMO. Spent 15++ to catch. =]]  next time play again. sense of achievement guaranteed. unless you got it.

heres what we caught in the end. except for the rilakkuma, the outstanding one


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hahahah. want collect more more more. stupid sherwin so manyyyy.


so yup, hope you enjoyed your 20th birthday , the surprise, the gift, the anti-biotics and the dinner on that day.
Come 'on! you are still young! =]