damn cool

SO now there is a release of WINDOWS 7!


Reviews sounded not bad. NEW WINDOWS. I WANT TO TRY.

i wonder whether RP would introduced to us anot since RP is so into OS, like vista.

so being free and nothing to do, i went to the IT-Helpdesk website to search for it. found nothing .

then i saw image .

being curious, i clicked on it and started “hi-ing”. thought perhaps its just bot replying or what.

but wah, it replied instantly from a real live person.[based on the way it type]

and i started asking for the release of Windows 7 in RP. lol. –.-

read below:


Damn cool. didnt even know can live chat with IT helpdesk people?!  lol. Did you all know??

windows 7~~~~~~how nice would it be if graduate with windows 7 os. haha.