Escape theme park

Went Escape Theme Park that day with pig.

It was quite long since i last went , Secondary 3/4?

Most of the rides were closed down, such as the Pepsi Cola, the Tea-Cup, the Upside- Down and the infamous indoor roller coaster who took a young girl life away years ago.

Hate the Pirate Ship alot. As always, it will give a feeling of nausea when going up and down –.- Don’t like the feeling.argh.

Love the Go-Kart and the Wet and Wild. 

Go-Kart is especially nice as it was all purely accelerating, turning steering wheel and competing with people.

And whoever say you drive slow, you blame the car. not the driver. lol.really.

Sat many many times. Race over,queue again,

Wet and Wild, the time when it came swooshing down,

*Shrieks*~ lol.

The wetness it gave. All drenched up, messy hair , all those, ewww. Don’t like. Especially when you are seated in the back. –.-

But still , enjoyed! Sat for like 4-5 times.

And there is the boat shooting game, don’t know what name.

Wah, that was when i was ALL soaked up -.- stupid pig.

After all those things, went to settle for Chicken Rice at E-Hub. Had fun:)