Shrek the final chapter

Caught Shrek the final chapter on Monday in 3D! :D Characters popping out just seems so real. Haha.

But for this time round, didn’t felt that it was worth it though.

Was actually quite excited to watch this movie sequel but it turn out.. hmm. still preferred the previous movies. The story plot does not seems nice as i felt it should be.Felt that there are fewer lesser action compared to last time and lol, fell asleep at some parts of the movie. that goes to show how “nice “ is the movie..

Lol. kidding.Was kinda tired at that time.

Shrek the final chapter;

A bored and domesticated Shrek pacts with deal-maker Rumpelstiltskin to get back to feeling like a real ogre again, but when he's duped and sent to a twisted version of Far Far Away -- where Rumpelstiltskin is king, ogres are hunted, and he and Fiona have never met -- he sets out to restore his world and reclaim his true love.

Rating: 3/5?

Had Hans for dinner.


was rather quite worth for the price. 

$9.90 and we got?



Wahh. worth it right! Though tasted average but still! so much food.

HAHA. stupid faces below.

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