
The ghosts must be crazy! Directed by Jack Neo.


Who say his scandal will cause people to stop watch his movies? Rubbish lah. So many people still turned up to watch this movie.

Got 2 stories! Preferred the first one which is related to army. haha. The second one was abit lame.

Jack Neo damn smart, promote the movie by filming his movie in that army context. Confirmed alot army guys go watch, one such example would be mr eugene chen. lol. As soon as he saw the trailer, he wanted to watch it already. haha.

Vivo city ;


Remembered that was the first time i ever went out with them and from there, i got to know this guy, Eugene Chen. haha.


Such memories.

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HAHA. those were the times. When both of us didn’t even chat up a word. Or hmm. Maybe a word perhaps? lol.

Look, the then ahbeng style. lol.

and now.. haha.

Either way, still loves just the way you are!

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Ate steamboat for dinner. Omg loved it so much lah. Don’t know since when i last eaten. The Tom Yam Soup is like..wah. Kept taking food and munching away. haha.

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Thanks for the treat, my great boyfriend!
