Counting down.

Hais.Today,my mum said that my grandma was in the hospital, and her condition was very serious.Oh dear.Hais.Why like that?I hoped my grandma will be fine.She will be fine!Actually, in the morning, i had heard my mum phoning other aunts to bring my grandma to hospital.I thought it was just a casual thing.

But in the afternoon, my mum said her condition worsens, according to my sixth aunt(doctor called).Hais.So my mum and my dad went visit her at nite.When my mum came back,she say her mother so funny, lift the rubber thing on top of her nose, until she cannot recognise her.Lol.It was funny la.I dunnoe how explain la.Haha.

During dinner, my mum said she recalled that time when she went to visit my grandma,her mother always say :"Why u never curl your hair?So messy.Come, i give u $50 to do your hair."[In Hokkien]Lol.So cute.But my mum never take the money,instead she 1st accept the money and put back to my grandma so-called saving bank.Haha.Take and put back.

I somehow recall how she always call me Ah girl.And everytime when i go visit her,my mum would always tease my grandma and say,"U know who is me mah?Then who is this(which is me)?[In Hokkien].Then she always guessed corectly.Haha.

I really hope my grandma will be fine.

Anyway,tommorow i going to Bugis with bk to pray.

Omg.Two more days to results day!Ahhh.Hais.So fast.=(Hope can get good results bah..Hais..