Bad mood?seee/listennn

Did database systems module today and learnt new codes as usual. Attended the PP talk which is not much of any great help as the information can be found on the main website itself lar. Lasted for less than 20 minutes.Lol. Thought will be longer than that.

Lets see if tommorow PP workshop is of any help;)

Turning in soon liao..

One nice smoothing song/video to share before i go. Found it on youtube last week.

When your mood bad bad, hear this song, your mood sure liven up de. I found it

Sang by 黑澀會美眉.
Lol.didn't even down they still got come out songs lar. This song/video came out like last year 2007 and now then i heard it?! YA.i SLOW.=.=

*黑澀會美眉[123 木頭人] * [Clear de hor]

nites ya