it's saturday, guys!


by the time this is published, it would be sunday.

so dont get wrong.


today went PP with my bro and bought a storybook by Stephen King "Lisey's story".

3 for the price of 2

think is a nice book as my sis once says that it is not bad but scary.-.-

my bro bought "Freakonomics" by don't know who and "For one more day by Mitch Albom[wrote 5 people you met in heaven and tuesdays with morries.]

before that, my bro went to katong cut and wash hair for only $12! the person ask him whether he is poly student but before he reply, she charged him $12. -.- so good lar..actually if adult should be $15 de..所谓人不可貌相~~

hmm.should start reading storybook again and improve english~lol

so yup, took bus 32 home and ran home with the sprinkling rain...

nice day.

the end:)