Internet Explorer 8 Good Or Bad. Cooliris

Recently downloaded IE 8.

Interface is quite same as IE 7. But there are some things i found it rather cool.


For example, you can download accelerators such as Wikipedia, Search with google, Search Youtube, Blog it, Live Translator

So what’s the use of accelerators?

If you don’t know some words or want to search in youtube or want to translate, you can simply highlight the phrase you dont know, and it will show you an arrow. After which, it will come out as what it is shown below.  Then you just click on that, you will be redirect to the page and it will show you more about the phrase, or even words.


Different colour tabs:

For this, i am not quite sure of how it changes the colour. But that’s not the point. With different tabs colours, i found that it is easy to see and not just confuse with one single coloured tab.



Incline search:

For example, when you Ctrl-F the word you want to find, it actually highlight the “finding” word out for easier finding rather than entering and entering till you find the phrase you want. This cannot be seen in IE 6 but with firefox, i think.


Compatibility view:

Meaning to say, when some of the websites cannot be viewed in IE , you click that button over which i drew, it can actually help to change to the correct format of the wordings and layout


There are still more such as faster and safer browsing, webslices, etc.

So, if you want to know about it:

and to download:

LOL. Do i look like i am promoting IE 8? lol.


And not to forget, i download a very cool application. It is called Cooliris. Ever heard of it? CLICK to learn more. Viewing photos suddenly became so interesting !

For example,

With a hovering of mouse on a facebook album, i can view all photos at one go.


and to add, i can press to enlarge it to the maximum resolution.



in case you missed the link to know about it or to download:


Why not try downloading both?=]