IT show

went to IT show today!=D

can say is 人山人海~All-the-while-quiet suntec became so noisy and full of IT brought SD cards and i exchanged my previous 1gb micro SD card with his new 2gb micro SD.wahaha.=D Can put alot musics and videos le XD

From level 1-6, all the things sold are related to IT. So many cheap deals, but too many people, make you feel so. . . . . Selling of laptops, TVs, mp3, thumbdrives, SD cards, hard-disks and blah blah blah...alot lar. So if you haven't come down, go down tomorrow since it is the last day, might be having discounts.don't ever miss it!

:80gb cost only $79![last time i brought is 120 plus=.='']
Sony handphones
:w660i[$318] Both NO CONTRACT!cheap lar.tempting~~but i will WAIT..haha
SD cards
:micro SD 2gb [20 plus only]
and blah blah blah...

didn't take much photos,crowded mah. Only 2 pathetic ones.hitting drumssaw this emoticon appearing on live at Motorola booth!lol!forget what it called..=.=''
hi hi