tiger time now

Its 1.59 AM now and I have nothing to blog seriously.

So, it will be a really brief blogging.=(
Ate fishball noodle for lunch and steamboat for dinner.
Watched the Bourne Supremacy, bathed and surf webs.
And here am i, blogging today uncool stuffs.

The full s.h.e version[3'30mins]for the olympics theme song [紅遍全球]is out!woots.
Hear it!

Starting listen, feel so strange hor?But after listening for long time is quite okay lar..haha

Look what i found on the internet!

MARIO LUNCH for you???yummy~

But could you bear to eat, though?haha.

[Photo courtesy of technabob][Photo courtesy of technabob]
[Photo courtesy of technabob ]
[Photo courtesy of technabob]