
Wah!How come my blog loading so long?! =( It was fine in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. Getting frustrating.=( Had checked out weijian blog and other Nuffnangers and found out that their blogs too, are slow.Lol. I thought i am the only one experiencing it.Is Nuffnang under maintainance?The official website of loads slow too, as compared to which is way lots faster. I wonder why..

Went to fetch my sis just now and then ate supper at Blk 511 there. Ate the Mee Suaaaa~Quite nice. Here are some pics taken in the airport. Testing my handphone quality. Never knew Samsung can shot so well in some parts.haha. I am sure gonna make use of my Sony Ericsson phone next time when i have it. SOonnn, four more months.=.=

Let's look at the pictures which my sis had taken in Australia, Perth. Omg. I am so longing to go to Australia since last time. And now my sis got the chance to go there without paying a single cent!=.= FYI, the trip cost more than $1000! I want goooo and see the jumpy kangaroos and clingy koalas there. When will the day ever come? Sydney.Melbourne.Gold Coast.Perth. Still got what?

Okay,anyway..Heres the pics!
HELLO THERE!You want doze off liao ar? Cute!Btw,this is not called koala bear. It is called koala.I dont know what bird is this.These are the FLYING FOXES[飞狐狸] O.OAnd this is the kookaburra who can chirps like laughing. *Hehheeheehee* Really.
AhHa. Think you never guess it . Is wombat! SO fat.Hehe. I did played a game with this animal in it. It is called Llama.
Wonder why the neck is so long and that looks so strange-.-
O.O Are you ready to see the kangaroos?
Here it is! Huh?This is kangaroo?lol. Nonono. This is a deer.
And yes! The next few pics are the kangaroos.
The whites looks special. Is it albino?
Kangaroos do know how to lie down. I thought they only knew how jump.Awww. Smiling so happily with your eyes close?lol
Notice a tail from the pouch?Is her baby inside.

That's all about it!Did you enjoyed the pics?HAhaha.

And yes! Tommorow is a holiday and i' be watching my PRINCE CASPIAN!=D

p/s: Bk. dont worry too much about it. Your dad will be fine de! Jiayou! Wish your dad speedy recovery!!!=D