
School was normal today. Attended a CE talk about the Cyclone in Myanmar. Devastating to hear that that people are left homeless with their destroyed houses. Some even lost their family members and would have to fend for themselves in the near future. How sad. Hope they can pull themselves up and with the donations, they could walk out the darkness and see the light.=)

Found one interesting article while surfing the net and decided to share!

The coolest dude among all animals, and then some.

Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) is a smaller species of anteaters, but some would say they are the "perfect" anteaters - just the right size, and just the right amount of attitude.

They are most closely related to sloths and armadillos, but seeing these pictures will make you wonder if you aren't related to them by any chance. It seems they know how special they look, and don't mind posing in sweaters and other handmade clothes.

Photo and article courtesy of
"...they know how to open the window, open drawers, open cabinets, open containers, climb the door frame, and respond to their name."

When threatened, tamandua will strike a kung-fu pose, showing who is the true master around here:

"Don't play play ah.."

WOW.LOl. Cute hor. HAHA.