
Ha.Today is 08/08/08. lucky number?

and is the open ceremony of Beijing olympics 2008.

Wow, time passes and it had been four years since it last ended in 2004. And today, the olympics are held in Beijing, an Asian country. HA. good.=)

watched the open ceremony from 8pm to 10 plus in which i cant take it.Lol. Especially, from 9 pm onwards, all the countries representatives take turn to come out and show face. Can you believe there are more than 200 countries took turn to come out?

Lol. from 9 pm to 11 plus. All the way wor. lucky i 10 plus, go play my guitar le. HA. Singapore came out at 11pm sharp and i managed to saw it. Heng ar. Li Jia Wei held the flag followed by other representatives. nice.

and hola, tommorow is the start of the games! are you ready for the exciting competition among countries?haha