Hellloooo, iii am WALLLL E. Nicccee tooo meeeet youuu......
Awww.. look at that pic above! Aren't it cute?? See the big eyes, so cute? Ha. He's waving at u!lol
Wonder how the movie is going to be like.

With robots playing the main characters and robot language all the way? Ha. i am curious to join in the exciting adventure!
And oh, this film is produced by disney which once produced Toy Story, Monster Inc and Finding Nemo etc. Wah, how can that be not nice to watch!? Movies produced by them are always laughable. Haha.
Look, last time was about Toys, Monsters, Fishes. And this time round, is about Robots! Wow! Keen to find out what the producers are up to this time round. Fancy "hiring" the robots to act and talk robot language all the way! How can don't watch!Ha.
Soooooooo...Nufffnannnggg ..., wooulddd.. youuu.. giveee... mee... aaaa... chaanceee... to.... caatchh WALLLL- E innnn thhhee cineemaaaa? *shows a =p face*