Wanted to go, but then dad dont want. how sad. just want to see see around.
My bro brought 8gb thumbdrive for $38 only. SO cheap right. And he brought 3. Asked peiyu about starhub mobile phones price promotions and guess what, it is like so EX la, different from what i had saw from the promotional flyers. %^&*!@#. How can EX by $9? Or is it include the GST le? Sian sian sian sian.
Nvm, price will drop 7 Sept. I predict.=)
TOday, went eat KFC with my mum and yuyan. nice nice. but the distance to walk from home to bedok seems long. still have to carry/push yuyan. She ate marsh potato with bread while me and my mum eat the chicken la,the zinger la, the cheese fries la, the colslaw la, and the drinks. Lols. ha. tempting hor. hahaha.
Yup, after that went home and watch tv, after that slept till 7.20pm and eat zhu chao. then watch tv till 10 plus, play guitar, online, and tada! here i am blogging and sleeping after blogging.
i want g900 la.