Interesting !

Lesson was rather interesting today.

At the start of the lesson, the faci sounded strict, all the way he was shouting(and i mean really shouting the lungs out) about the rules and regulations of the class. =.=The rules were wow, no msn, no chinese-talking,no hp ringing etc.

At first, i thought this faci is hard to handle cos of his shouting and "sarcastic" remarks. I don't know how to say. Sarcastic in a way such that almost every time he talked back to us or other team members, we will laugh la. Its like if you know what he implying, you will laugh. Almost the whole class got shoot by him. hahahaha. And one person tio shoot, we will laugh. Lol.Is that funny.

That makes the lesson interesting rather than monotonus la.

Omg. Fun laughing session. i can't wait for next tue.