Reeee-forrrr-mattttt- edddd

Finally reformatted my laptop. =)

Wanted to reformat to Windows XP but then the IT staff say don't have Windows XP OS.-.- Keeps complaining to the IT staff that Windows Vista not good cos my friends that used it seems to have alot of problems, like cannot install this and install that. Then the IT staff keeps explaining to me the about the features of Vista.

Ever since Vista came out, i had longed wanted it to experience its cool interface. Looks and feel cool. But then, reading about the Vista users reviews last time, it somehow madee me think the OS is really unstable and that it take up alot of memory which is true. So i asked the IT staff guy. Then he said, if not stable won't come out. I laughed then i say my faci say windows vista users are guinea pigs.Lol. then he say the faci noob, dont know about OS. HAHAHA. So fun talking to them

So in the end, no choice have to let them install for us as they ask that even if we go down to fugistu and reformat, fugistu will charge us $80 plus[true, a person came back from funan and tell us] and install the XP Home rather XP Professional. Then in any case, you might have to reformat the whole thing in IT helpdesk agian. Sian, dont know when will crashed someday.

And guess how long it took?

it TOOK from around 10 plus AM to 4 plus PM. 6 long hours! Wow, i didn't know install an OS need such a long time. And, hence, nver went to KBOX today. =( Will be going next wed. Hope bk can join us..

Was really thankful to the IT staff guy [tall tall, wear specs] who explained over and over again for me and help us reformat nice nice with the synapatics hotkey.=D Service is excellent lar. Both thumbs up!=D

Adapting the new OS. Windows Vista.