There you go, my birthday boy

4th June 2013
Happy birthday, dear! This is one of those occasions where I will rack my brains hard to come out with a good plan. It was never easy planning for the perfect day for you. As you know, we went almost everywhere in Singapore. Thinking of things to do was hard, moreover, the restaurants we never tried before. It's like impossibru! But still, i find pleasure planning the day for you, always determined to find nice restaurants for you to try out and places to go. Afterall,  planning for someone(that's you!) you love and seeing that person happy is all that matters anyway. :) 

This year was a very fruitful year for you, don't you think so? Durian cakes, durian cakes everywhere!! Haha. This year was also the year where I am stressed for your birthday. So many plans by so many people. Whyyyyy. But thank god, all went pretty well!

Planned for adventure cove to have some fun! But so just so happened it is June holidays. A less than 15 secs ride took almost 45 mins to sit. How ridiculously long for this. Time was so hard to pass with no devices on hand and noisy kids everywhere.

Snorkeling, I failed terribly. Became worse since the last time I snorkeled. Tell me what's the use of learning swimming for the past weeks. Initially thought I would be less afraid to swim around since I can swim fairly well now. I envy those people who can swim or dive. They make it seemed so easy. Give me one day. The fear of not being able to see underwater is really scary. All the things i saw are blurry. How to even see the different types of fishes. You can't. And the thing i only saw was how deep the aquarium is. I think I might have killed some corals while stepping it and hurting myself. 

Anyway, after this we went to watch Jurassic park 3D! Planned this as well cos you told me you loved dinosaurs since young and have all the book collections. And so i thought, this was just perfect for you! It wasn't disappointing to watch it all over again. Rather, its refreshing to watch this in 3D! Agree dear? :)  And finally you changed your opinion towards 3D. We then had dinner at serenity and desserts of cinnamon rolls with chocolate and strawberry mix at max brenner.

Say hi to the ridiculously photogenic dog